Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Wise Words of a Little One

If you take time to listen, little ones have many words of wisdom tom share. Last night we asked Caleb what he wanted to be when he grew up. His first response was a doctor like Daddy. After a few seconds, however, he replied, “…Well, actually I’m not sure yet, because Jesus hasn’t told me what He wants me to be.” So many times we have our minds full of what we want to do; we don’t pray and wait to find out what God would have us do or the way in which He would have us go about doing a specific thing. I need to be patient like Caleb and wait on the Lord.

“The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Exodus 14:14

Jael has taken off walking. It’s a lot of fun to watch her totter back and forth with a toothy smile as she heads your way. The church we’ve been attending here in Quito asked us if she could be baby Jesus in their Christmas pageant. She is the blondest, biggest, girliest baby Jesus I’ve ever seen . Since she just started walking I think we’ll have to decline. It would be a little unique to see “baby Jesus” get up out of the manger and walk away.

1 comment:

  1. Dan and Kris,

    You are prolific writers and I long to come and see the whole family. Thanks for sharing the pictures. Try Skyping today if you get the chance, but I know you just moved in. When we come in the summer (of course Lord willing, but we're planning on it for sure!) I'd really like to go to the orphanage or help out at the school. Of course the extra outdoors things sound fun too. We could do it together? Dan could take some time off?

    Love you and Merry Christmas! Can you believe that I'm 27 today?
