We had the opportunity to give out Christmas shoe boxes through Samaritan's Purse at our church this past week. Often children in other countries don't receive their boxes until after the holidays, but local churches are able to put on special presentations for the children before handing out the gifts and can follow up afterward with the kids. If you've ever done shoe boxes in the past, or would like to do them this next year, we'd really encourage you to do so. Besides all the smiles on the kids' faces, many unchurched children and their parents were able to come into the church, get to know the pastor and other church members, and hear the gospel. The fiesta included songs, popcorn, and a puppet show with drama. The story was about a little boy who "was cruisin' for a bruisin'" because he had stolen his mom's money and hit his sister. The little boy decided to ask his mom for forgiveness, and he was surprised when his mom said that she'd throw him a party instead of punishing him! The pastor taught the kids that, though we all deserve to be disciplined for our sins, we can have forgiveness if we'll only accept the free gift of Jesus. That was when the gifts were passed out to bunches of excited kids!

Waiting for the boxes.
Can you spot our little gringo son....
and daughter?
"Can I open it yet?"
We're in the process of getting our tickets to see you now. Can't wait! Hollie is awesome. She's going to be able to bring everything!
I think I spotted them.... :). GOD's heart must be so filled with love for all of you as HE looks down and sees the love and kindness you bring to those little ones. you are surely a blessing to HIM as He blesses you.we still miss your smiles and pray for you. take care. with love norma ( squeeze the kids for me.)