Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sharing Jesus

One of the neat things about being a missionary is getting to spend time with all the people who come to visit.  We just finished 12 fun days with Sydney (Kristina's sister) and her husband, Chad.  Not to brag, but we have an awesome family!  The kids had a great time getting to play with their Auntie and Uncle.  We couldn't be here without the prayers, support, and love of our friends and family.

Our best buddies from medical school (and now our next-door-neighbors) the Kappens have a visitor spending six weeks with them.  His name is Matt, and he's taught us about the importance of words that are in style now in California (including "sick" and "gnarly").  He's also unafraid about sharing Jesus.  He's shared his testimony with many patients during his time here so far, reminding all of us that we're here for one reason only: to tell others about God's awesome plan to love us and save us.
Left to Right: Jael, Dan, Matt (visitor), Matt and Amy Kappen

The list of patients coming in with odd or unknown diagnoses grows on a daily basis.  This gentleman had some general fatigue and told me that he had had a surgery on his chest several years ago.  A new chest x-ray showed the following picture.  If you know what it is, drop me an e-mail and let me know!


  1. Benedicks,
    We love you! Thanks for the great time. We loved our trip. We'll try to send you pictures soon! Guess what?! The bank accepted our offer on the house. Yeah! Thank you for also arranging the fun trip. I talked to Mom yesterday and it seems like you'll have more visitors near Christmas. As far as I know, Mom and Dad will be coming after spending Christmas day with us. Love ya,

  2. Hi Benedicks--It's always fun and rewarding to read your posts. I wish Kathy and I could be there to experience all of this with you. However,I sure wouldn't be able to offer much assistance with the medical part. Please know we are always praying for you and really appreciate your staying in touch so well. Our love, Earnie

  3. hope you got the e-mail from Paul bottom... my sis called and said he knew what was on the x-ray and was sending you an e-mail. hope all is good there. God bless ( norma carpenter)
