Monday, November 1, 2010

Creepy Crawlies

Since it's Halloween in the states we thought we'd add a few pics of more creatures we've discovered around here.  They don't celebrate Halloween in Ecuador, though they do have Day of the Dead on November 2nd, but this is more like Memorial Day in the states than Halloween with its ghosts and skeletons.

The first pic is of caterpillars that inundated one specific flower I have growing in front of the house.  One morning we woke up to find hundreds of the little  crawling around on the plant.  Our local friend said these guys would turn into butterflies, but if I allowed them to stay, my plant would definitely die.  Caleb had a great time collecting as many as he could in his bug box.  He wanted to keep them for butterflies, but I wasn't paying much attention when he went to give them water and unfortunately they're "drink" turned into their death when he drowned them all.  (My plant still died, too.)

Like dog, like owner...Dan was in the jungle on his last clinic visit and took off his shoes for several minutes when he used the communities make shift shower.  Unfortunately in that short time he contracted a small larva in his foot.  Thankfully it wasn't a bott fly like our dog had and this critter was easy to get out with a needle and a little bit of squeezing.  Oh the joys of living in the jungle.

On a different note, Dan will be leading chapels at the hospital throught the month of November.  Please pray that he can speak the words that are needed and have time to prepare for each service.

1 comment:

  1. You guys really do attract lots of "interesting" larva- Glad to see you can laugh about it.
