Thursday, October 6, 2011

Washington, Here We Come

Dan and I have spent a lot of time praying about our future move and considering the many details that a move would bring for our family. Dan spent a lot of time traveling around the Northwest for his interviews in Washington and Idaho and although we talked almost everyday while he was gone, we had decided to wait until his return to really discuss our decision.  We felt that we would both have singleness of heart with the job and location that would be the best at this point of our lives.  There was one job in particular that I had been on my heart often during prayer, and upon his return he shared about each place he was considering.  There were many great options in Caldwell and in Washington.  When he felt his first choice was the one I'd considered for so long it really became a clear decision.  We're so thankful that something that could have been stressful wasn't at all, and we're confident that we're headed in the right direction.  All that to say, we will be flying back to that United States on November 14th where we will move to Washington so Dan can begin working at the family medicine residency program in Vancouver.  During the time in Ecuador, Dan has really enjoyed being a teacher.  He is excited to begin work in Vancouver where he'll be able to continue to teach and mentor resident doctors, to work with a great staff, to maintain his skills in obstetrics and hospital medicine, and to be able to serve many patients who come from difficult socioeconomic backgrounds.

We plan to settle down in Ridgefield where I grew up.  We're going to miss our family and friends in Idaho, but should have the opportunity to visit much more often.  We are still looking forward to doing foreign mission work in the future, but are excited to be back on the "home field" for awhile.

We'll continue to blog about our work in Ecuador as I know Dan has some new medical stories he'd like to share.  Our next big step will be looking for a place to live in Ridgefield; God keeps us depending on Him, no matter where we are.
Jael loves playing with Tori whose father is the ophthalmologist at the hospital.

Caleb celebrated his 5th birthday with some new legos.

Anna loves to help Mommy cook (and lick the spoon).

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