Sunday, April 4, 2010

A Week in Photos

Here are a few pictures from the last week to show you what we've been up to.
Receiving a package is a big deal.  We were very excited to get two in one day; it's a little like Christmas morning for us.
 Jael was all ready to start the Easter egg hunt with the other missionary kids.
 Some of our Mission Aviation Fellowship and HCJB (hospital) missionary kids ready to start an egg hunt.
Going to Good Friday service was no easy feat when we had to walk there in a downpour.
"Let's go!"
Caleb was very excited to receive two turtles from Christa Fischer, a friend in Quito who will be moving to the United States soon to attend college.  He's been doing a good job of keeping their bowl clean and playing with them (although I'm not so sure the turtles like going for airplane rides and playing on his train track, as he insists.)
The eggs are all dyed and ready to hide.
Two cuties on Easter morning.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Benedicks,
    I hope you are having a good time with grandma and grandpa! I'm sure they are having a great time with you! I wish we were there with you and them. How fun that would be. God bless you. I hope Kristina is feeling better these days. I'm happy for you. love, Earnie
