Friday, March 11, 2011

A Visit to the States

We had a wonderful time visiting family and friends in the United States in February. The trip was much too short and we would have loved to have more quality time with everyone, but we’re thankful for the time we had. Thank you to all who made an effort to see us while we were there. We really appreciated it.

Getting to know the family
Lots of kisses from Grandma
Playing on the farm
Anna was able to meet family she’d never seen and the kids got reacquainted with lots of loved ones. We enjoyed many things we miss here in Ecuador: sermons in English, favorite restaurants (I think we put on the “Furlough Fifteen” kind of like the “Freshman Fifteen” in college), playing in the snow, carpet on the floors, and many more.

The Benedick clan celebrates Christmas (a little late)
Best buds reunited
There were a few times when we knew we weren’t living in the states: when the kids would ask for a drink of water and then questions us, “Is that water clean?” because we’d filled the cup from the tap, or when Jael ran in terror from the vacuum cleaner because she didn’t know what it was.
The cousins were ready to play in the snow

We still are praying about our future plans as to where we’ll be a year from now, but we feel we have a little more direction after our visit home and the time of fellowship we had in the states. Dan is back to work and the kids and I are getting into the routine (boy do I miss the extra hands to help with the kiddos). Thanks to all who help make it a wonderful vacation for us.


  1. It really was wonderful to see you guys, see little Anna in real life and see how much Caleb and Jael have grown! Dan and Christina, you two look as good as ever! Yes, it would have been nice to spend more one to one time with you, but there is just too much demand for family time and we understand that. God bless you and you re-enter your world of giving. We love you for what you are doing and pray each day for you. our love, Earnie

  2. It was so good to see you guys at church! We miss you all and are praying for your family!

    Dave, Melissa and Natalie Mather
