Friday, April 2, 2010

Ciudad de los Perros-City of Dogs

This morning I took a run in Shell for 30 minutes and decided to count all the dogs I saw loose.  In this short time I spied 32 different dogs wandering around the streets, not including all those that barked at me from within the confines of gates and fences; that's more than a dog per minute.  Most of the dogs are pretty calm, and if they start coming close, all one usually has to do is bend over and pretend to pick up a rock.  This will usually make the dog run off.  However, it's probably a good idea if we get our rabies shots soon, just in case.  We just "dewormed" our family last week, which is something most missionary families do here every six months.  With deworming and rabies shots for us I'm beginning to feel like a dog myself.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Benedicks,
    It was good to get your email letter today. It is a good reminder to get on your blog and see all of Caleb's bugs! How fun! I wish I were there to help collect them. My grandkids love bugs too. Grandma never lets them come in the house however so we keep them outside. I'm sure your looking forward to G & G Benedick arriving soon. I know you'll have a great time and great visiting. Gardening has started which has me very happy. There is life in Idaho again! We pray for you guys each day. God bless you in all you do! our love, Earnie
